One day in 1999 changed the course of all I would and will do. I was given my purpose in one very swift bolt of lightning, literally. However, the manifestation of that purpose has been long in the making, as my own journey has meant attaining the education to feel credentialed to do the work, as well as accepting a role I felt was too big or too vulnerable for me. Yet all my struggling against The One has led me exactly where The Divine wants me. Here.
I believe that each of us has a reason for being here, and we can choose to lean into that or not. Free will. But once you identify that reason for being, expressing it can be more of a challenge. Sometimes we feel held back by others who don't support us. Sometimes we hold ourselves back. My advice? Get beyond all that. It's time. Does that mean a job change? Does it mean moving to a new town? Does it mean a change in the people around you? Only you know deep inside. The one thing that's definitely needed is a shift in how you view what you do and how you do it. There are common threads within us that drive us to seek, respond and move either forward or back in our lives. Some of these are wounds to our spiritual hearts that occur every day or were created early in life. These can be healed. They keep us from being our best selves. If needed, seek professional counseling or develop a meditative practice designed to do the work. Other threads are the small voices from deep within us that lead us to take those steps toward being who we are here to be. Taking quiet time to hear those voices is necessary, or we will never feel totally fulfilled. These threads for which I refer aren't voices that say "I need to be a (name a profession)" but instead say "I need to express my unique talent or way of being/doing" and we get to choose how that looks. It doesn't always mean we need to change jobs. It could mean we need to change what we bring to that job though, or how we approach it. For instance. Perhaps there's a janitor out there who always wanted to be a professional singer, and who obviously was given the voice to do so. However, life has also given him a family for which he's responsible, or some reason why that career just is not going to be possible. What prevents him from singing while he does his job? Or participating in community theater? What prevents him from sharing that gift while he still fulfills all his other duties? Only himself. So my questions for you are thus. What talents and purpose do you bring into this life, and do you use them? How can you either integrate them into your daily life to find that internal fulfillment, or are you willing to make and accept the choices to break out and fully embrace them, if you feel driven to do so? What will the rest of your life look like, and are you ready to begin? |
AuthorRev. Ronnie Roll is an interfaith minister, strategic business consultant, conflict resolution specialist and mediator. Her mission and passion lies in helping people build bridges and celebrate life's milestones as a way to further humankind and celebrate our spiritual selves. Because in the end, it's all about Love. Archives
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